California Resource
Management Association

About Us

The California Resource Management Association (formally the Hazardous Waste Association of California and California Waste Association) was incorporated in 1984. According to the by-laws the purpose of the organization is to "include the promotion of standards of performance and professional conduct, the dissemination of information concerning trade practices, business conditions, technical developments and the advancement of knowledge in all that pertains to the waste and allied industries, and generally through the Association, to advance the mutual benefits of the members."
More simply put, its mission is "Working together to improve our industry and the environment." The key component to reaching this goal is with the participation of our membership. We encourage our new members to attend regular meetings and join a planning committee. We thank our current and sustaining members for their continued support.

Board of Directors
Originally incorporated as the Hazardous Waste Association of California in 1984, CalRMA continues to be governed by its original set of by-laws. Click here to read the bylaws. Our Board of Directors is elected annually. Volunteers serve the board with experience from a variety of environmental industry in both the public and private sector.