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CARB Refrigerant Management Program (RMP)

On March 1, 2016, the final phase of the California Air Re- sources Board (CARB) Refrigerant Management Plan (RMP) took effect which represents the last of the three- phase, state-specific program, initiated March 1, 2012.

On March 1, 2012, facilities operating stationary refrigeration systems in California containing greater than 2,000 lb. of high global-warming potential (GWP) refrigerants (not used for comfort cooling) were required to register all applicable sized units with CARB using the R3 reporting tool. Additionally, these facilities were required to provide an annual report each year thereafter registering applicable systems. Refrigerant systems meeting these size constraints were classified as “Large Facilities” and were subject to numerous provisions con- cerning system inspections, leak repair requirements, recordkeeping requirements and having to submit an annual report along with an annual filing fee to CARB.

On March 1, 2014 requirements came into effect for those facilities operating stationary refrig- eration systems in California classified as “Medium Facilities” which includes those with refrigeration systems containing a full charge greater than or equal to 200 lb. but less than 2,000 lb. of a high-GWP refrigerant. Medium Facilities became subject to specific provisions and requirements not unlike the Large Facilities, although the criteria and provisions which the Medium Facilities were re- quired to meet contrasted somewhat from those of the Large Facilities. Criteria included leak-system inspections, leak repair requirements, recordkeeping requirements, and submis- sion of an annual report, along with an annual filing fee, to CARB. Most recently, on March 1, 2016, the final phase of the CARB RMP took effect whereby facil- ities meeting the classification of “Small Facilities,” those with refrigeration systems with a full charge greater than 50 lb. but less than 200 lb. of a high-GWP refrigerant, were supposed to register all applicable systems with CARB using the R3 reporting tool. Like in the case of the other-sized systems, requirements for Small Facilities include: system inspections, leak re- pair and recordkeeping requirements, in addition to the recurring filing of an annual inspec- tion report and annual filing fees to the CARB.

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